
Home Contact

Feel free to contact us by phone, fax or by completing our Email Message Form. Please note: this email message form is only for OSCNS, not any physician offices.

Non-Secure Email Messaging Terms of Use:

  1. Email is not secure so please do NOT send any confidential information to us using this email form. This email form is intended for non-urgent, general inquiries only and should not substitute for an office visit or personal medical advice, nor to be used to obtain a diagnosis or to replace or overrule your physician’s judgment.
  2. Viewers should not use this message form if emergency medical treatment may be needed. For medical emergencies, please call 911.
  3. Call your physician for answers to personal questions. Use of email does not establish a doctor-patient relationship.
  4. Personal medical information cannot be sent back to you via email.
  • *From the pull down menu below, please select the topic that describes the nature of your inquiry. This will ensure that we will direct your email to the appropriate staff member.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


We are conveniently located off Rt. 128. We share a parking lot with the North Shore Mall.
Directions to OSCNS PDF